Calories in calories out is easy, but it isn’t true!

Isn't it as simple as calories in, calories out? Not necessarily! Scientists LOVE to talk about the simple calorie. There is a reason for that. Calories are cheap to estimate, the math is easily done, and its a very popular measurement in a … [Read more...]

Small steps toward living without toxins, and helping the Earth too!

Q-TIPS Ready to go green with something small that will make a huge impact on the environment? Instead of stocking up on 12 boxes of Q-tips at a time from Costco, choose organic cotton Q-tips instead. Conventional cotton farming uses approximately … [Read more...]

30 grams of protein per meal? Maybe not!

There is a popular misconception in the nutrition and diet world that the human body can only absorb 30 grams of protein per meal. Any more than that, and you're just being wasteful. Researchers in France did a study where some women were given … [Read more...]

MAT – Muscle Activation Technique

Are you injured? Most of us are, in some way...often times this is a small daily or "once in a while" pain that we've experienced for so long that we don't often think about it except when we're hurting. You probably blame the part that is sore, … [Read more...]

Glyconutrients, what are they and why should I care?

Glocynutrients are a controversial new "vitamin" that has been dubbed many things from the Eight Sugars to the sugars that heal. They're a group of 8 nutrients that have been linked to optimal wellness, and have really jump started the wellness … [Read more...]