What’s given me the biggest boost in living my life powerfully?

The "Curriculum for Living" course offered by Landmark Education. In the course I learned the tools to have NO STRESS in my life. I became UNSTOPPABLE. I now have the tools to NEVER BE UPSET unless I choose to be upset. I COMMUNICATE on a much … [Read more...]

Break Out Of The American “Numb Zone” and Embrace Your Passion!

I wouldn’t say we are passionless as Americans, because we’re not, but, I would say we can be numb.  There, I said it.  Let me explain myself  before I get the e-mails.  I was having lunch with some friends of mine at Chez Black (best … [Read more...]

The ballet I saw in Paris last time I was there.

I've included a youtube clip below that can't do justice to the event, but such beauty is hard to ignore even in a tiny video player. … [Read more...]

Body and Soul

Spirituality Years ago, when I lived in Maui, I met a Buddhist. He taught me about meditation, and a 100 syllable mantra. He used to live next door to a monastery. Many evenings we would meet for tea and just sit, listen to, and feel the … [Read more...]

Your body can stand most anything. It’s your mind you have to convince.

After getting my black belt in Tae Kwon Do, I never thought I would find anything that I could be so passionate about until Capoeira. It's great because I love martial arts and I love dance, and it fulfills both areas for me. I'm not going to lie, … [Read more...]