What’s given me the biggest boost in living my life powerfully?

The “Curriculum for Living” course offered by Landmark Education. landmark_html2

In the course I learned the tools to have NO STRESS in my life. I became UNSTOPPABLE. I now have the tools to NEVER BE UPSET unless I choose to be upset. I COMMUNICATE on a much higher level, which now allows me to create the relationships I really want, and have always wanted with my family and friends that I wasn’t sure how to obtain before. I am able to CREATE LOVING and CONNECTED RELATIONSHIPS with those I love. I’m NOT SCARED of anything, which makes me POWERFUL, and allows me to BE A PLAYER in LIFE instead of just standing in the sidelines. I became very clear on what my PURPOSE is in life, and how to consistently be at PEACE.

My INCOME SKY-ROCKETED after taking this course, because I was able to FOCUS my time and energy to what was going to MAKE the BIGGEST DIFFERENCE, instead of wasting time, with upsets, drama, complaints and other rackets I had going on with others and within myself. These are just some of the things I got out of the course. I don’t even think it’s half of what I got out of it. 

I thought it was a vital piece to share with you in order to live your life powerfully. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to be completely fulfilled and satisfied with every area of their life that isn’t extraordinary. I guarantee you will get everything you want for yourself and your life. Whatever that may be for you. They have a 94% success rate for those that complete the course, which is pretty phenomenal. 

The Curriculum for Living Course is comprised of 3 parts. The first part is “The Forum”, which is an intensive weekend and one evening. This is the beginning. It’s all about possibilities. The second part is “The Advanced”. This was the absolute best! It’s about clarity, purpose and completion. After taking the advanced was when things really took off for me. The final part is “The SELP” Self Expression and Leadership course. This was all about making a difference, and community. It’s also about creating something big out of nothing. It’s perfect for those that want to be an Entrepreneur but aren’t sure how to go about it. You could take an idea you’ve had and see how big you can make it, while getting coaching along the way to see it through. 

I’ve taken many courses over the years, and I’d have to say, this one was definitely the best value for the money. I still use all of the tools today and it’s been over 5 years since I’ve taken this course. The great thing is, that once you learn them you never lose them. It’s like riding a bike. One day you don’t know how, and then in one instant, you know how and you never forget! Amazing! Landmark Education offers over 50 courses and has books, CD’s DVD’s, etc. and I’ve taken some other courses by them as well, and listened to a few things here and there, but to me, their other courses just don’t compare to The Curriculum for Living. It still astounds me that I could learn so much, and have it make such a difference in my life, for the amount of time that it took and the amount of money it cost. 
