Cats Cradle

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What’s given me the biggest boost in living my life powerfully?

The "Curriculum for Living" course offered by Landmark Education. In the course I learned the tools to have NO STRESS in my life. I became UNSTOPPABLE. I now have the tools to NEVER BE UPSET unless I choose to be upset. I COMMUNICATE on a much … [Read more...]

This was a speech made by Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Anna Quindlen at
 the graduation ceremony of an American university where she was awarded an
 Honorary PhD.

"I'm a novelist. My work is human nature. Real life is all I know. Don't
 ever confuse the two, your life and your work. You will walk out of here
 this afternoon with only one thing that no one else has.
 There will be hundreds of people … [Read more...]

My favorite designer at the moment…

Here are some beautiful shots of an Animale show :   This is a video from my favorite designer, included below : … [Read more...]