
No one knows what the future will bring. Put your energy into now. I pay special attention to my energy levels, especially which foods and nutrients affect my energy levels, and how I manage them to be optimal. I Think about how much time and … [Read more...]


A lot of the difficulty in today's modern world is related to the relative ease of our lives. Most of us living in a first world country no longer have to worry about what we're going to eat tomorrow, where we're going to sleep, and other basic life … [Read more...]

Focus and Femininity

Living well requires a focus on the present, not just a promise for tomorrow. This is a difficult one for women, but a little easier for men because men are naturally single focused on getting specific results where women naturally have diffused … [Read more...]

Comfort and Alignment

Take comfort in the uneventful; it prepares you for what's to come. We are all well served by being comfortable with change and sacrifice. The very words change and sacrifice have connontations that most of us would say are "difficult" or … [Read more...]


Real awareness isn't about hanging on to the moment, but simply recognizing it's there. Awareness of what's happening with our bodies. Compassion for our friends and family. Thinking about the perception of us held by the people we interact with. … [Read more...]