
A lot of the difficulty in today’s modern world is related to the relative ease of our lives. Most of us living in a first world country no longer have to worry about what we’re going to eat tomorrow, where we’re going to sleep, and other basic life necessities. This is a relatively new state for humanity. Our minds are designed to worry, and to experience stress at change. Because of this, we might worry about things that aren’t as important or as dangerous as we make them out to be, but more importantly we often avoid change at all costs. We will default to “ending up in a rut” before we ever accept change as an opportunity.

See a rut as an opportunity for transformation. Learn how to get out of it and make a shift in the way your being. Your mind does actually crave novelty, which is often brought about by change. The other side of this desire is safety, but the bad part of safety is often boredom. Our instincts will often prefer us sticking with what we know, because in the end it is safer. We will experience boredom, but it isn’t often as strong a pulling emotion as the desire for safety and regularity. I believe we should recognize, logically (remember last weeks post!) that at this point in our lives, if we’ve got the Internet, WE ARE SAFE. Nothing is going to eat us while we’re sleeping, we’re not going to starve to death, and we’re not going to fall off a 4000 foot cliff by accident. We are safe. If you can recognize this in your mind, then you can recognize the instincts and emotions that tell you to be safe for what they are….bad advice! Embrace those thoughts and emotions that tell you “I’m bored, lets do something new!”

When your mind lets you know its bored, it is always an opportunity for action. Recognize our minds telling us they aren’t getting enough stimulation and work them out. I’ve said often before that the mind is a muscle and the strongest minds need a great work out. Work your mind out!

I could list out 100 things that would be great examples of things to do when you need a change to create an opportunity, but I think that everyone’s path is different and I want everyone to think of something they’re bored with and how they can change that into a new opportunity for change or success. I’d love to hear it in the comments.

OK, I lied, I am going to give you one tip!! Be careful to take responsibility, asking the question “How…..?” instead of “Why…..?” will bring the answers to make the shift. We just have to open the door!