I’m Back!

It's been almost 2 years since I've posted anything. Since then, I ended my marriage of 12 years, moved to a different country, Canada, went to Brazil for 3 months and lived in a favella (slums), have started a new business called Modelo Decor, and … [Read more...]


Take pleasure in others' happiness, as it will augment your own. If we are jealous or envious of our friends’ happiness, it could only affect us in a negative way. If we are truly, deeply happy for our friends and others who surround us, it will … [Read more...]


Misery may be contagious -- but so is joy. How we will decide to see and respond to everything happening to us and around us is controllable. For example someone could say, “I have to go to school, it’s so boring.” Or “I’m going to school … [Read more...]


Treat happiness as a method, not an end in itself. The meaning of method is, Orderliness of thought or behavior; systematic planning or action: "combination of knowledge and method". Instead of just taking it for granted or thinking happiness is an … [Read more...]


Let yourself make small mistakes. Happiness is not found in perfection. We sometimes won’t take a risk because the unknown is so scary. Having courage to go through the fear and make the mistake may end up being the most rewarding. Even if we fail, … [Read more...]