The Nine Areas of Life

In the DVD “The Secret”, it is showing people how to focus their lives to reach their goals. I was excited to discover this DVD, because it was finally something that communicated what I had been sharing with people for so long, about how I … [Read more...]

Can’t Make a Budget Work?

   Try Filling Buckets! Whether you are trying to save money or lose weight, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, as with dieting, sometimes the financial strategies that work the best are a little bit offbeat, even fun. Consider, … [Read more...]

What’s given me the biggest boost in living my life powerfully?

The "Curriculum for Living" course offered by Landmark Education. In the course I learned the tools to have NO STRESS in my life. I became UNSTOPPABLE. I now have the tools to NEVER BE UPSET unless I choose to be upset. I COMMUNICATE on a much … [Read more...]

This was a speech made by Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Anna Quindlen at
 the graduation ceremony of an American university where she was awarded an
 Honorary PhD.

"I'm a novelist. My work is human nature. Real life is all I know. Don't
 ever confuse the two, your life and your work. You will walk out of here
 this afternoon with only one thing that no one else has.
 There will be hundreds of people … [Read more...]

Break Out Of The American “Numb Zone” and Embrace Your Passion!

I wouldn’t say we are passionless as Americans, because we’re not, but, I would say we can be numb.  There, I said it.  Let me explain myself  before I get the e-mails.  I was having lunch with some friends of mine at Chez Black (best … [Read more...]