
Treat happiness as a method, not an end in itself. The meaning of method is, Orderliness of thought or behavior; systematic planning or action: "combination of knowledge and method". Instead of just taking it for granted or thinking happiness is an … [Read more...]


Let yourself make small mistakes. Happiness is not found in perfection. We sometimes won’t take a risk because the unknown is so scary. Having courage to go through the fear and make the mistake may end up being the most rewarding. Even if we fail, … [Read more...]


Happiness doesn't just happen; it emerges. Goldie Hawn studies happiness and how to be happy. I’ve taken many courses and read many books on the subject as well. I’ve learned over the years that we can shift our mood through different techniques. … [Read more...]


I noticed that I've been getting a sore throat almost every time I had a friend come visit me this summer and last summer. It didn't happen once or twice. It keeps happening. I can count 6 times in the last 2 years. The exact same circumstances. My … [Read more...]


Your energy doesn't run out -- it gets blocked. Find ways to free your flow. We all run into funks, or lulls or ruts. Whatever you want to call, it happens to all of us. People comment a lot on how much energy I always have and ask me how I do it. I … [Read more...]