Do you know about TED?

TED is awesome! It stands for : Technology, Education, Design...but the scope is much more broad since its inception in the 80s. TED is a conference that travels the world and has speakers who deliver engaging talks on subjects that affect our … [Read more...]


The shape of your life reveals itself to you moment by moment. Have you ever seen that movie or read the book "The Secret"? It's all about the laws of attraction. Like the laws of gravity, there is the law of attraction. Meaning whatever we focus on … [Read more...]


Resist the urge to overanalyze every experience. Live each moment instead, accept it for what it is. Realize that each moment is perfect, whole and complete, and that everything happens on purpose. There are no accidents! I find that over … [Read more...]


No one knows what the future will bring. Put your energy into now. I pay special attention to my energy levels, especially which foods and nutrients affect my energy levels, and how I manage them to be optimal. I Think about how much time and … [Read more...]

Focus and Femininity

Living well requires a focus on the present, not just a promise for tomorrow. This is a difficult one for women, but a little easier for men because men are naturally single focused on getting specific results where women naturally have diffused … [Read more...]