The Power of Words

This short film illustrates the power of words to radically change your message and your effect upon the world … [Read more...]

2 of the greatest qualities in life

Patience and Wisdom … [Read more...]

Empowerment Around Money

What is your relationship to money? Do you want to be wealthy? The first step to becoming wealthy is to have a good relationship with money. If you think money is bad, or rich people are bad, you will never be wealthy. If your relationship to money … [Read more...]

How To Be Good At Being Focused

My friend Brian sent me an email the other day. Here's how it went... BRIAN: Heather, Happy New year. Hey I've got a question for you. I did some serious cleaning and deleting of stuff on computers and in the real closets this week. What I … [Read more...]

Learning a new language, approaches on accents!

Learning a language is difficult, but everyone can do it. One huge hurdle that many people can overcome with some effort is the mechanics and rules of the language itself. Learning the grammar and spelling rules, punctuation rules, and more, is a … [Read more...]