The Craziest Thing Women Entrepreneurs DO That Costs Them a Fortune

Want to hear something crazy? The worst way to save money in a business is to do it by yourself.

I know that sounds crazy, but go with me…

My clients go from spinning their wheels for months trying to piece things together themselves, researching for free “tips”, wasting so much time, to making 10’s of thousands in less than 2 months,
even if they are just starting out with no business experience, list or website.

Sure, you COULD try spending months or years trying to figure it out for “Free”…
If you want to make small amounts of money slowly, and with way more struggle.
But just think about it
Let’s take my client Lydia for example.

Let’s say she found me in January and she decided not to hire me and would have continued, spinning her wheels, staying stuck, confused
on what to focus on to get the right clients calling her.

Let’s say she was making $1000 here and $1000 there, but very inconsistently.
I see this happening all the time, so I’m sure some of you can relate
Let’s say she made $1000 in Jan, A $1000 in Feb, nothing in Mar, gets another 2 clients in April nothing in May, nothing in June, and then finally gets so frustrated, calls me again and signs up with me to fix what’s broken so she can start getting consistent clients paying her whats she’s worth

Lydia did sign up with me. She signed up, realized she wasn’t super passionate about what she was doing
She started from scratch halfway through

She created a brand new program, started charging $5K and I showed her how to communicate the value so effectively, she made $29K 2 months from graduating

If she signed on with me in Jan. she would have started making $5K/client, x3 clients per month, for those 6 mo.

So instead of the $4k total she made in 6 mo. she didn’t SAVE money by not hiring me right away, she lost 10’s of thousands

The only part of this example that is not true, is that Lydia didn’t wait. If she had though, she would have LOST all that income.

Not only is she getting paid for what she is truly passionate about, she 5x her price and her ideal clients are EAGER to work with her.

In fact, she collected 14 deposits at $1k each from people that went on her waiting list

This is how quickly things can go.

Yep, it’s true that researching for hours/days/weeks/ and months MIGHT work to get the results you want. Eventually. Maybe. With enough luck.
BUT if you think it’s going to save you money, the opposite is true.
Not only that

The time you spend away from enjoy that quality time with your friends and family is something you will never get back

The simple fact is, my clients are up and running, impacting people and laughing their way to the bank without having to spend years, trying to figure out a way or having to go it alone with no support.

So if you have been saying to yourself, I don’t have the money, I don’t want to waste my money
Find the money!
There are so many ways to find money to invest in yourself and your business
If that is the ONLY thing stopping you don’t let it

Find the money!

Borrow it.

Get a 0% interest CC.

Any successful business owner knows there is good debt and bad debt
Buying a part of jeans is bad debt there is no return on investment

Hiring someone to take you by the hand to guide you to success gives you a return on investment
Taking a course – ROI
Buying a TV no return
Spend your money on things that make you more money and use those proceeds to invest and grow

Ready to see how it’s done? Then hit the link below to get your name down for my free presentation.

It’s a must-watch for anyone serious about getting their business set up properly in record time to start making money.

Click below to register. It’s absolutely worth your time.

It’s 45 minutes now, to provide a lifetime of time and money freedom

Wishing you massive success