The Business Formula Part 9

Soon we’re going to post a “getting started” tutorial that is going to show you exactly how to begin on your quest for a successful business that does great things for you and those around you, but before we do that we’re going to talk about some basic planning that will help get your mind thinking in the right direction.

Lets build some business architecture!  This will be the foundation of our success.

What should you think about before you get started?

The first and most important thing to do is have a clear vision of the end.  What does success mean to you and your idea?  If you could place yourself just where you’d want to be, how would it look?  You need to visualize this clearly, and think about it often.  This is called visualizing your goals, and is really important to do as much as you can!  Don’t be too hung up at this stage on how you’ll get there.  You can work on the items we’ve detailed in the rest of our business series when you’re ready to “Be a starter.”

Once you know exactly where you want to go, you need to prioritize and make SHORT lists.  Long lists are overwhelming, and you can flesh out the details when you arrive at the time when you really need to do something.  For now, we’re just thinking and doing some basic planning.

One final thing you’ll need to think about is to make sure that you’ve got a commitment strategy forget about an exit strategy.  Its important to slog through the difficult parts of your business building. If things go wrong and you need to change direction, you can put a different plan together at that point; possibly even an exit strategy. Why put an exit strategy together in the beginning? That would be like planning to fail before you even start, and failing is not an option You need to make sure that you, the people that work around you, and the people you care about are as unharmed as possible so you may want to think of different case scenarios and draw them out on paper, but don’t get too hung up on them. Planning is somewhat like guessing. Planning should help you have a clear vision of what you’d like to achieve, but it should stop you in any way from getting started or shifting gears on a dime to make the business work once it’s up and running. It’s all about what works and sticking to what works.

Stay tuned for next time, we’re going to talk about putting the rubber to the road and getting started.  This is the most important thing you’ll read from the Business Formula!!