Settings goals for 2010 and beyond

I like to play big.  I am sure that even if you don’t, you wish you did.  Whats stopping you?

Setting goals is one of the most important parts of achieving them, after all how can we achieve anything important without knowing exactly what we’re setting out to do?  Though setting goals is important, it is also easy.  Think hard about what you want to achieve, and decide what is most important to your life and the lives of people you care about.  Once you’ve set your goals, the hard part comes to the forefront.  Lets get to work on achieving our goals…

Many people have a difficult time materializing their goals, and of course it can be hard to “put the rubber to the road.”  Many people don’t understand why this process is so difficult, but I’m going to give you the most common reasons why people fail!

  1. Self doubt.
  2. Poor Planning.
  3. Lacking energy or drive.
  4. Setting unachievable goals.
  5. The environment or lifestyle is not set up to be accomodating for the goal.

If you’re having difficulty with the above, let me give some quick suggestions that you can try today.

  1. Having self doubt?  Recognize WHY you are thinking like this.  Do you really deserve that kind of harsh treatment?  Change your attitude and change your life.
  2. Poor Planning hurts us all.  No one can predict the future.  What we can do is prepare for what makes logical sense, to the best of our ability.  Make sure that you take the time to plan, and that your planning is influenced by ALL of your core values.
  3. If you’re lacking energy, simply getting started will often give you the push you needed.  Humans often fear change, but taking that one important step of just getting started usually washes away all of the anxiety.
  4. Setting unachievable goals is a common problem, but my opinion is that almost nothing is unachievable and if your goal seems impossible, you simply need to break it into smaller parts and attack the most important ones!
  5. Sometimes our lives get in the way of our goals, but those that truly desire change will find a way to change their lifestyles in order to go where they want to go in life.  If you feel like your life is getting in the way, change your life!  No free person is compelled to do anything by anyone but themselves!


I hope that you can apply some of these small changes in your life, and please let me know what some of your goals for 2010 are in the comments!