Political Views… Libertarianism

Although I am pictured below with a well known Republican, I am actually a Minarchist Libertarian. Most people don’t know what that is and I find it my duty to spread the word and educate as many people as possible about it. The media unfortunately only recognizes two views, Republican and Democratic. There are many other parties out there, that should be recognized, and Libertarian is one of them.


003In civics, minarchism, sometimes called minimal statism, small government, or limited-government libertarianism, is the belief that the only proper role of the government is to protect individuals from aggression.[1] Minarchists believe that a state is necessary, but should be minimal enough to protect the liberty and property of each individual. They generally believe in a night watchman state, limited to courts, police, defense, prisons and taxes.

The term was coined in 1970 or 1971 by Samuel Edward Konkin III, an agorist. He was dismayed of using limited-government libertarianism and sought to invent the shorter term minarchism.[2][3] Many minarchists consider themselves also as libertarians. The term is perhaps most often used to differentiate libertarians and classical liberals who believe a state is necessary to maximize individual liberty, from the market anarchists who believe that the state itself should be opposed because it infringes on individual liberty.


Minarchists are generally opposed to economic regulations of certain [specify] sectors of the economy. However, most minarchists support some level of government funding, including perhaps taxation in some limited cases, as long as individual liberty and the non-aggression principle are not compromised. [4]

Some minarchists use utilitarian arguments, as they compromise the non-aggression principle by taxation. They might use theoretical economic arguments, like Ludwig von Mises’s contribution to Austrian economics, or statistical economic research, like the Indices of Economic Freedom.

Minarchists often disagree on exactly how to accomplish this. They are more likely in favoring reforms such as voting instead of the counter-economic strategies advocated by market anarchists.[5]

Some minarchists favor the administration and funding of government services in a small jurisdiction (such as a city or county) over a larger jurisdiction such as the federal government. This is favored because decisions are presumed to be more efficient when the decision-makers are more local. This also leaves individuals who wish to avoid living or working under a municipality to move to another municipality. Thus, this is reducing the likelihood of government oppression and corruption due to competing municipalities.

From Wikipedia