Is it Okay to Charge Less Than Your Competitors?

I was on the phone the other day with a service-based entrepreneur who was so confused because she is charging less than her competitors BUT is still getting nothing but crickets.

I know, I know, everybody thinks that selling at a low price point or giving discounts will get you tons of clients, but that is just not true.

The clients I work with are commanding a premium price of $3K to $10K for their offer and are attracting high-ticket clients consistently.

Yep, it’s true that undercharging might get you the results that you want. Maybe. Eventually. With just enough luck. 

But the fact is, the service-based entrepreneurs I work with know the value of their service and will not dare to sell at a low price point even if everybody in their field is doing so. 

They are also following a simple but proven system that allows them to scale their businesses in record time while still doing the things they love with family and friends. 

Interested to know how they do this? I will be talking about “Is it Okay to Charge Less Than Your Competitors?” On my next Facebook Live on Thursday at 3PM PST/6PM EST.