Embracing change

Embracing change…everyone talks about it, and yet it can be one of the most difficult things we’ll ever do. The human mind can trick you into thinking things when they’re simply not true. The mind has a preferential treatment for the known in the universe, with the theory behind it being that you should be better equipped to deal with the things you know. This was an important and valuable natural reaction in prehistoric times, when doing something new could mean immediate death. The world was a dangerous place! Today, we have built a civilization that allows us to remove ourselves from the life and death consequences of our actions, so fear of the unknown should be something that you set out to eradicate! Allowing yourself to make mistakes, and learn from them, is something that can propel you to greatness. You must resist the urge to keep things the same, and defy your biological impulses to resist change. When you know for sure that you’ll keep on living even if you fail, there is absolutely no reason to avoid risk! Risk takers are success makers.

Beyond the correlation between risk and success, you will also live a more interesting and full life if you’re consistently embracing change. You will have more experiences, you will learn more, you will become a better and more powerful person! Many theorists believe that we are simply a collection of our experiences, and if this is true, who would choose to live the routine? Keep excitement in your life, keep things new, and embrace change in your life for real.

If you’re a thrillseeker, you probably already do this. The important thing to remember if you already love change and avoid routine is that you must focus your energy towards the changes that will be important to your life. Use the methods outlined in my book to get your goals and desires down on paper, and think about the things you’d like to change. Are they in line with your goals? If not, is there perhaps a set of goals that you didn’t realize you wanted to achieve? Remember when examining your desires, you might find that you really do want something you’d never thought you wanted!

If you are currently scared of change, do not feel bad about it! Everyone on one level or another fears change. You may have a longer road to travel, but when you arrive at your destination you will be so much more rewarded. You will know all that you’ve overcome, and the pride you feel will drive you to overcome even more obstacles in your life. Success definitely has a snowballing effect. To get started, change a few small things and pay special attention to how they make you feel. For a no risk change, you can try something relatively private, like learning to play a musical instrument. You’ll learn a lot and you can quickly find out how even a big change in your life feels like second nature once you’ve done it for a few weeks. You might want to get real, though, no private stuff for you! If you normally stay in on Tuesdays and watch television or work from home, change it up and go out dancing, or to an exotic restaurant that you’ve never tried. Make small changes, and make them fun. When you realize that change can be good, you can move onto new changes that may be a little scarier! You can start a new part time business, join a social or political group, volunteer your time with charity, or any number of change inducing projects. Once you’re comfortable with change, use the methods from my books, website, and mailing list to really center in on your goals and what is important in your life. You can then begin to bring real change into your life.

You will succeed when you embrace change!