Being Your Authentic Self

 “I haven’t a clue as to how my story will end. But that’s all right. When you set out on a

journey and night covers the road, that’s when you discover the stars.” – Nancy Willard

I love women! I love hearing about what women are being in this world and how their passions are authentic reflections of pieces of me on my journey in discovering more of my authentic voice. In light of this I felt it was important to remind you how living from your authentic-self expresses your universal right to create the life you truly desire. Getting to know yourself and better yet, falling in love with yourself evolves your consciousness to a level resonating with your divine truth. You are an infinite possibility of love, joy and abundance in action and to prove this to your heart I welcome you to take a peek at the three authentic teachings I offer you here and now to give tribute to three women who have paved the way as the examples in sharing your truth.

The #1 relationship in your life that matters most is the one you have with yourself.

I love this statement. For so many years I always looked to others to show me love. I was constantly looking outside of myself for love instead of focusing within. If you take a moment and think about it, ask yourself this question: who is the one person who spends the most time with you? It is YOU! Then why wouldn’t you learn everything about yourself and fall head over heals in love with you? I believe there is a misguided negative undertone to the words self-serving and I am here to correct that for you. It is absolutely fantastic to be self-serving in demonstrating love for yourself. The more love you have in your heart for yourself the more overflow you have to share with others. Get to really know yourself. Pay attention to the activities, people and places you are drawn to.  The more love you surround yourself with in all of these experiences, the more invitations you will receive for loving opportunities to come your way. Living from a space of 100% love for yourself first allows you to be more of your authentic self in serving others.

It is important to be responsible for the energy you bring to every moment.

In every moment we take a breath here in this lifetime we have the opportunity to influence others in a loving way. The energy we bring to each moment we are engaged in any activity has a ripple affect on others around us.  Whether we are at work, at home or at a community function our emotions send out a vibration others can feel. Bringing awareness to your gift of power will help you to create a more positive connection to each moment. Take responsibility for your authentic energy and the energy resonating around you will be full of love, joy and abundance.

Keep the faith in yourself when every door seems to be closed.

Have you ever heard the expression “when one door closes a window opens?” It is uptoyou to see how the cards have been dealt for you in every moment. If you choose to see each opportunity as one of learning and growth towards your most authentic reflection no matter what happens then you are experiencing self-love. Self-love is the highest form of your power within to

create your life. With self-love you are keeping the faith in your totality while not judging the experiences being drawn to you. You can choose to believe in your heart that what is

happening in the now is an occurrence you asked to experience in bringing about your dream as a whole.

Authentic Women of San Diego’s History To Reflect In Gratitude For A Moment

Margie Blanchard

Margie is a shining example of a woman who delivers the experience of faith and responsibility within a successful partnership in business and marriage through love and authenticity. Margie is well known for her mentorship at the University of San Diego’s Master’s of Science in Executive Leadership Program and her commitment in creating global change agents.

Margie has earned a reputation worldwide as a compelling motivational speaker, an accomplished business consultant, and best-selling author. Margie speaks on leadership, creating balance, managing change, helping aging parents, and life planning. As cofounder of The Ken Blanchard Companies, she works diligently with her husband, Ken Blanchard, developing the company into one of the premier management-consulting firms in the world. She heads the firm’s unique Office of the Future—a think tank that anticipates client needs and directs the development of new products and services.

Sonia Rhodes

Sonia Rhodes is the vice president of Customer Strategy, The Sharp Experience & The Sharp University for Sharp HealthCare, a not-for-profit integrated health care delivery system, and San Diego’s largest private employer. Rhodes leads The Sharp Experience – an organizational performance improvement initiative designed to transform the healthcare experience for staff, physicians and customers and her passion to make the healthcare experience the best that it can be is evidenced in all that she does with authenticity.

As a result of this focused organizational improvement effort, President George W. Bush and Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez awarded Sharp HealthCare as one of five organizations to receive the 2007 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the nation’s highest Presidential honor for quality and organizational performance excellence.

In addition to The Sharp Experience, Rhodes also conceptualized, launched and actively directs The Sharp University, a corporate university focused on the education and development of over 1,400 Sharp leaders and nearly 14,000 Sharp associates. Rhodes also provides oversight and leadership for Sharp’s overarching customer strategy, marketing technologies and research endeavors, including web strategy and design, customer contact centers, 24-hour nurse advice service and consumer research.

At a recent USD breakfast Sonia took the stage and shared how being more authentic with internal and external customers in an experiential way can help unfold the inspiration of possibility in any endeavor.

Bonny Forrest, J.D., Ph.D.

An authentic leader in the field of child development, Dr. Bonny Forrest is the creator of Project SKIP and has been an advocate for children for over 20 years. As an attorney and a child psychologist, with specialized training in pediatric neuropsychology, she has vast experience in working with children in a variety of settings.

Dr. Forrest has been a researcher and clinician in academic and medical settings such as the Yale Child Study Center, has directed clinics serving low-income populations, and since 2001 has conducted a private practice focusing on the assessment of cognitive and other developmental issues in children. For much of her career, she has worked with parents to advocate for children, especially those with special needs, so they can obtain much needed services in school.

In 2006, Dr. Forrest was approached to design an instrument that would help to comprehensively screen for learning issues among children in a classroom environment. Project SKIP is the result of her extensive research and development of a program for over 7,000 families. SKIP also meets the mandates of RTI for public schools and solves the difficulties associated with implementing Tiers 1 and 2 on a cost-effective basis for large numbers of children.

What do Margie, Sonia and Bonny have in common? Each of these inspirational women has honored her authentic voice and is truly living from a space of love to serve others. With this in mind, I have one request of you, and it is simply this: Never compare where you are in life to others and think it’s not the best place for you to be! These women are fantastic reflections to serve you in your journey through sharing their authentic voice to create change. Every day is a new beginning. Get excited about uncertainty because the possibilities of what can happen are infinite. You are The Total Female Package. Own it, live it and share it!

With heart,

Novalena J. Betancourt