
I think a lot of people believe that awakenings are something that happens once and they are forever transformed, but I don’t believe that this is true. Awakenings can happen all throughout our lives and often represent a core change in the way that we see the world.

Any moment can bring an awakening to what really matters. In a way it’s like gratitude, and awareness, but awakening is the actual shift of paying attention, and giving time and energy to the things that make a difference and that we will look back on and wish that there were more of those moments and feelings in our lives. When we’re on our deathbed we’re not going to look back and wish we worked more, or worry that our hair was dirty on a particular day. These may be important things that we need to do in service of achieving our goals, but they are certainly not the most important things in our lives.

Every day, we should pay special attention to evaluating everything we’re worried about, and asking ourselves, is it really important in the grand scheme of our unique and beautiful life. Paying attention to the things that are the most important and the most beautiful, while still being sure to take care of all the things that will lead us to more of those wonderful parts of our lives will lead us, without fail, to an awakening of spirit and awareness that will enrich our lives for all the time we’re lucky enough to be on this Earth.