99% of What You Have Been Taught About Marketing Is FLAWED!!!

99% of what you have most likely been taught about marketing is FLAWED

And if you follow the conventional advice, you’ll go broke faster than when enjoying an over-the-top weekend in Vegas…

Or, you’ll find yourself a year from now still spending hours on free marketing tactics, and still NOT GETTING CLIENTS. If you are AFRAID that one of these 2 things could happen to you, KEEP READING…

I’ve lost count of how many business owners start  marketing their service and just end up spinning their wheels and getting a few or NO clients to pay them. And, it’s usually because they’re doing everything upside down and inside out.

Self-declared “experts” might teach you to use certain techniques just to get more likes to your page… But good luck with THAT strategy!

Successful marketing isn’t about getting your name out there. It’s about CREATING A SPECIFIC STRATEGY that brings a flow of ideal clients, eager to WANT to work with YOU!

Otherwise what’s the point?

Bottom line forget about using all these outdated marketing tactics that waste time and waste money and get ZERO results…

Forget about building an audience and getting “likes” on your page… that doesn’t mean anything unless they are ACTUALLY BUYING YOUR SERVICES.

Instead, aim to use A SPECIFIC MARKETING STRATEGY or system to get more new clients TODAY not tomorrow…

PLEASE… DO NOT SPEND another dime or second on marketing, UNLESS:

  1. You have your business set up properly, and
  2. A SPECIFIC STRATEGY that gets you clients, otherwise you will just end up wasting more time and money.

I had a client name Sarah, she was a single mom, and great nutritionist, who was determined to invest in my services because she was doing this exact same thing I’m describing here, and she desperately wanted a better life for herself and her son.

She was seeing all of the results that her colleagues were getting with me and she wanted her problem solved pronto, so she could experience the same results too… financial freedom to spend more time with her son.

She knew, if she didn’t figure it out soon, she would have to quit her dream and go back to getting a “real job”.

After implementing the five shifts I talk about in my free video presentation here, she was off to the races.

Needless to say, she was thrilled and today, she feels FREE!

So many of my clients, before they come to me, have done this. They’ve spent hours upon hours doing everything the old way,  blogging, putting up flyers, Instagram posts, Facebook posts, Facebook ads to get likes and followers, and so on and so on.…and just end up feeling like a hamster on wheel.

If you are advertising for “likes”, or do not have a way (system/strategy) to convert those likes into paying clients, you’ll probably find yourself going broke sooooo fast that you have to stop and go get a job. 

Does any of this sound familiar?

What if you could put up a post and then your IDEAL CLIENT becomes a paying client in less than 48hours?

That’s exactly what I explain how to do in my FREE Video presentation.

I explain a simple step-by-step process that does just that!

If any of this sounds familiar, take 45 min to see how TO DO THIS and how it could apply to YOUR specific business.

If you offer a service, or are thinking about creating a high-ticket program or retreat that sells for $3,000 to $10,000… this is for you!

Click here for the strategy: www.onlinemeetingnow.com/register/

If you do not know how to do this, or something else isn’t working because you are missing something in your business, book a FREE call and we can brainstorm what’s not working, get you crystal clear on 3 things:

  1. The EXACT PRICE you should be charging,
  2. exact TARGET AUDIENCE you should be going after and
  3. the EXACT STRATEGY you should be using to reach them.

It’ll be the best 45min you’ll ever spend on your business.

Book a call now: meetme.so/HeatherBlaise