7 Signs You Will NEVER Get a Client By Posting To Your Blog

When was the last time you turned a blog post into a paying customer?

Here are seven signs you will never get a client by posting to your blog…

  1. You spend more time trying to get new clients than serving the clients you have.
  2. Even though you’ve purchased every marketing system out there, you still cannot manifest over 100,000 per month consistently…
  3. You don’t have a steady stream of qualified, committed prospects raising their hands and asking you to help them…
  4. You start many things but never finish them and jump from one training, mentor, or coaching program to another…
  5. You’re afraid to invest in a strong mentor, think you can do it all on your own, and prefer to do everything for free that you come across, instead of investing in a good mentor that can save you a ton of time in a ton of money in the long run…
  6. You do not have a way to communicate your value & magic to the masses in a leverage manner, and thus cannot go big with your mission…
  7. You are consistently thinking about your business and are now a slave to it, even when you’re at home with your family or out with your friends…

If this sounds like you, then you may want to join me today. I am giving a unique, step-by-step training where we will diagnose your specific business and show you how to put together and sell high-end programs or retreats, directly from blog posts.

Who this is for…

  • This is for you if you have a service to offer, are great at what you do, in other words, you have the contribution piece down, but you need help with bundling and/or communicating your value, to sell your services.
  • This is for those who feel like they’re “spinning their wheels”, and haven’t been able to crack getting sales consistently.
  • If you are committed to yourself and your business, and you’re resourceful, this is for you.
  • If you understand that you get back what you put in, this is for you.
  • This is for anyone who wants a simple step-by-step strategy on how to start getting clients from their blog posts.

Who this is NOT for…

This is not for people who want a get rich quick scheme.

This is not for people who make excuses who do not want a solution to, and who are ready to fix the problem.

If you ARE READY to serve people with your gift, then be on this training:

Here’s the link to register: www.onlinemeetingnow.com/register

Talk soon,
