What’s Your Story?

Ideal Day - www.heatherblaise.comI noticed on a group I created on Facebook, called “Single Super Moms”, that they’re were  lot of stories being told. Although, I do realize that we need to vent from time-to-time in order to release, it also gets me thinking that the more we tell our story of what’s happening, instead of talking about and focusing on what we really want, it holds us back.

The more we talk about what’s actually happening in our lives, keeps it playing over and over agian, and keeps attracting more of it. If it’s not serving us, we are giving energy to more of what is not serving us.

If we make a shift, and start ONLY talking about what we want, ideally in our lives, we are putting more focus on that and attracting more of that into our lives.

I know it can be challenging to not talk about what is actually happening so we can get people on our side to support us through what we are going through but it does not really support us to have a consensus around a story that we do not want to be our story. And that is all it is… a story. We can create a new story in every moment.

What do you want your story to look like?

What is an ideal day look like for you?

Have you ever taken the time to really think about, and write down what an ideal day looks like for you from start to finish?

Could you take the time right now to visualize what would be the ideal time for you to wake up?

Do you wake up to an alarm, birds chirping, ocean waves crashing, a sexy voice saying “rise and shine”, or a child kissing your cheek?

What does it look like?

What does it feel like?

What happens next?

Does someone bring you a hot cup of tea? Do you meditate for 20min? What does your room look like? What does your view look like?

You owe it to yourself to get clear on what this ideal day is for you…. from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed.

Give yourself love fro 15min to do this exercise.

When we get clear on things like this, even though we do not know how they may manifest, it’s the first step for the magic to start happening.

Start creating your story now!