
The shape of your life reveals itself to you moment by moment. Have you ever seen that movie or read the book "The Secret"? It's all about the laws of attraction. Like the laws of gravity, there is the law of attraction. Meaning whatever we focus on … [Read more...]


Resist the urge to overanalyze every experience. Live each moment instead, accept it for what it is. Realize that each moment is perfect, whole and complete, and that everything happens on purpose. There are no accidents! I find that over … [Read more...]


A lot of the difficulty in today's modern world is related to the relative ease of our lives. Most of us living in a first world country no longer have to worry about what we're going to eat tomorrow, where we're going to sleep, and other basic life … [Read more...]

The Power of Words

This short film illustrates the power of words to radically change your message and your effect upon the world … [Read more...]