4 Deep Questions for Making Authentic Decisions

This article will enable you to tune in to your true  self, to be at peace with ideas for making  moves, as opposed to aimlessly pursuing the ever-enchanting thought of “more.” Here are 4 Deep Questions for Making Authentic … [Read more...]

Acceptance, and understanding the other side of your relationships

True love begins with both curiosity and acceptance of yourself. For years I couldn't understand why my Dad and step-mother wouldn't accept me. I never felt truly loved or accepted by them, even though they would tell me they did any time I would … [Read more...]

True success, how to recognize it, and how to achieve it!

Do you want to be successful? Do you know what that means to you? John Wooden talks about success on my latest TED highlight, seen below. Some people want to aspire to more than success in the traditional sense. Some people want to achieve power, … [Read more...]


The shape of your life reveals itself to you moment by moment. Have you ever seen that movie or read the book "The Secret"? It's all about the laws of attraction. Like the laws of gravity, there is the law of attraction. Meaning whatever we focus on … [Read more...]


Resist the urge to overanalyze every experience. Live each moment instead, accept it for what it is. Realize that each moment is perfect, whole and complete, and that everything happens on purpose. There are no accidents! I find that over … [Read more...]