
Take pleasure in others' happiness, as it will augment your own. If we are jealous or envious of our friends’ happiness, it could only affect us in a negative way. If we are truly, deeply happy for our friends and others who surround us, it will … [Read more...]

Nourishment and the three roles of a satisfied woman.

Love nourishes your soul; passion ignites it. I took a course not too long ago that spoke of the 3 things a woman needs to be in order for a man to continually be charmed and enchanted by her. Those 3 things are Mother(Nurturer), Temptress(Fun), and … [Read more...]


Real awareness isn't about hanging on to the moment, but simply recognizing it's there. Awareness of what's happening with our bodies. Compassion for our friends and family. Thinking about the perception of us held by the people we interact with. … [Read more...]