A Simple Clarity Ritual

You can go even deeper in your ritual by taking some time to write about what you want. One of the best ways to tap into your desires is by journaling. At my retreats, we do several writing activities before the Vision Board adventure … [Read more...]


Happiness doesn't just happen; it emerges. Goldie Hawn studies happiness and how to be happy. I’ve taken many courses and read many books on the subject as well. I’ve learned over the years that we can shift our mood through different techniques. … [Read more...]


Your energy naturally ebbs and flows -- live in sync with its tides. Fighting against this can be draining. Go with the flow. Don't sweat the small stuff. Let it be. We've all heard these things. There is a natural rhythm to life. Whatever we are … [Read more...]


No one knows what the future will bring. Put your energy into now. I pay special attention to my energy levels, especially which foods and nutrients affect my energy levels, and how I manage them to be optimal. I Think about how much time and … [Read more...]