I’m Back!

It's been almost 2 years since I've posted anything. Since then, I ended my marriage of 12 years, moved to a different country, Canada, went to Brazil for 3 months and lived in a favella (slums), have started a new business called Modelo Decor, and … [Read more...]


Never underestimate the power of pen and paper. I am a writer. I find writing therapeutic. I get a lot of clarity about my life and different perspectives on how things work through my writing. They say, keep a journal and write down what you are … [Read more...]

Being compassionate, and how to culture compassion in yourself

Compassion is a feminine quality, that I think I lost while working in the corporate world. I became very masculine in my way of being and relating to others because I didn't know how to succeed any other way. I worked with mostly men and took on … [Read more...]

Resting, and why it is important for everyone, especially busy people!

There is no substitute for rest. Get plenty. Get plenty!!! Seriously, get plenty. In order to be my best self at all times there is no substituting this. A great way to figure out exactly how much we need is through muscle testing. … [Read more...]

The importance of touch

Touch is a powerful healing tool; use it lovingly and often. I learned about this oddly enough, when I was waitressing. I heard you get bigger tips if you touch the persons arm at an appropriate time. Now it is automatic. We all know that … [Read more...]