Resting, and why it is important for everyone, especially busy people!

There is no substitute for rest.

Get plenty.

Get plenty!!!

Seriously, get plenty.

In order to be my best self at all times there is no substituting this. A great way to figure out exactly how much we need is through muscle testing. There are 3 different methods that I know of for doing this yourself, but there may be more. Here is the 1 of the 3 of that I know of:

Figure out what is enough and make it a priority to ensure you get it. Tim Ferris offers some great solutions to having the best sleep, in his book, The 4 Hour Body. I notice that if I don’t get enough rest or sleep I get rundown, irritable and can’t function as effectively as when I’ve had enough sleep. People love to be around me when I’m my best self and I don’t serve anyone when I’m not. I know I need at least 7 hours through the muscle testing I’ve done. I usually get 8 to 9 but I know 7 is enough. I see a lot of women out there doing so much and running themselves ragged that they don’t get enough sleep. Unless you’re a mother of a newborn baby, this should be your top priority.

Ever notice how easy it is for men to just fall asleep in an instant? That is because their brains are wired to be single focused on producing results. If they are tired, they are able to focus on sleep to produce the result of rest and recharge. As women, because we are wired to have difused awareness, it is more difficult because we are constantly thinking of a million things at once and it is more difficult for us to focus on falling asleep. Keeping that in mind, however, could give you an advantage. Tap into your masculinity and focus on sleep when it is time to do so. Every time your mind wanders, aknowledge it and come back to thinking about sleep. It may just help you fall asleep faster. It works for me!

I’d love to hear your stories about being rested, and being frazzled. I’d also really love to hear from you if you are a woman and had trouble falling asleep often, and my tip helped you to focus on getting into dreamland.