
Resist the urge to overanalyze every experience. Live each moment instead, accept it for what it is. Realize that each moment is perfect, whole and complete, and that everything happens on purpose. There are no accidents!

I find that over analizing can be paralyzing. If we just go for it and start something that we’ve been wanting to do, we figure out soon enough where the best place to start is and learn as we go. If we think that anything we do is perfect, whole and complete, then there is no room for judgement. Whether it be about us or someone else, we have the freedom to be ourselves, the freedom to be unstoppable, because we can’t do it wrong.

Whatever or however it turns out is exactly how it’s supposed to turn out. It’s exactly how we are supposed to go about it. When things happen in your life that limit us, or make us feel frustrated or thwarted, it is just about our possibilities that we’ve created for ourselves. It’s us placing jugement on ourselves, or on someone else that has something they said or did being wrong. If we believe there is no right and wrong, that everything happens on purpose, perhaps for us to learn something about ourselves, or to get us to the next level, there is no stopping us! When we find ourselves in that moment, the solution to keep going to to create a possibility. Any possibility for ourselves and our lives!