Comfort and Alignment

Take comfort in the uneventful; it prepares you for what’s to come.

We are all well served by being comfortable with change and sacrifice. The very words change and sacrifice have connontations that most of us would say are “difficult” or “uncomfortable” but if we can be in a comfortable place while sacrificing, and while changing, then we can accomplish anything. We can be in a cool and collected comfortable place while we’re doing things that most people would consider difficult or uncomfortable, and we’ll be more likely to do things that most people won’t do. If we’re doing things that other people aren’t doing, we’re simply far more likely to achieve things that are rare in this world. The more rarified the air we breathe, the more powerful our lives become. We will be doing things no one else can or will do, and we will be rewarded in ratio to our uniqueness, in business especially.

Even being physically comfortable is something I strive for in my daily life. I’m all about this right now. When I speak of my physical comfort, I don’t mean being sloppy and not caring about my body or my appearance. I’m not going to leave the house in my pajamas. I just don’t get that. I’m about beauty as well, because I think that brings joy and pleasure to people. I love looking at people that look beautiful, but feel pain for a person if I see them struggling in a pair of heels that pinch their feet. We must search ourselves and the world for things that will bring us the inner peace of comfort without denying our standards. If we live in a place where we are at once completely comfortable with everything in our lives, but at the same time keeping the standards we have for ourselves and our lives, then we have reached a very valuable point!

When I say comfort, it’s about enjoyment in the moment and also in the long term. Don’t lose your long term goals in the name of momentary impulsive behavoir that leads to immediate gratification, search through all options and find the things that both make you comfortable AND align with your goals and values!