Which of these 7 Brain Traps keeps you and your business stuck in a downward spiral of struggle?

Over the years, I’ve studied the psychology of success in my work with entrepreneurs. I uncovered what I now call Brain Traps. They’re destructive patterns that keep entrepreneurs like us forever locked in struggle… I’ll lay them out for you … [Read more...]


Misery may be contagious -- but so is joy. How we will decide to see and respond to everything happening to us and around us is controllable. For example someone could say, “I have to go to school, it’s so boring.” Or “I’m going to school … [Read more...]


Treat happiness as a method, not an end in itself. The meaning of method is, Orderliness of thought or behavior; systematic planning or action: "combination of knowledge and method". Instead of just taking it for granted or thinking happiness is an … [Read more...]


I noticed that I've been getting a sore throat almost every time I had a friend come visit me this summer and last summer. It didn't happen once or twice. It keeps happening. I can count 6 times in the last 2 years. The exact same circumstances. My … [Read more...]


There was a time when I did not like being alone. I was much happier with my friends around. I didn't even realize this until I went to an acupuncture session and the acupuncturist told me to focus on the earth and being grounded. She told me it's … [Read more...]